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The family package is an innovative solution that offers families the convenience of having clean and safe water both at home and on the go. It includes two eco-friendly refillable water bottles that can be refilled throughout Victoria Falls, ensuring that families can stay hydrated while enjoying their outdoor activities. Additionally, the package also comes with a house Reverse Osmosis system, which provides clean and fresh water for everyday use at home. With this package, families can have peace of mind knowing that they have access to clean water no matter where they are. This package is an excellent investment for families who prioritize health, convenience, and sustainability.
The increasing use of single-use plastics has become a growing concern for the environment worldwide. In Victoria Falls, this issue is particularly significant due to the presence of wildlife that freely roams the area. To tackle this problem, some lodges and hotels in the region have implemented reusable bottle systems to encourage visitors to reduce their use of single-use plastic bottles.
EcoDrop, a company that provides an innovative solution to the plastic bottle problem, has taken it a step further by placing refill stations in Victoria Falls town, including the airport. The concept is simple: visitors (and locals) purchase a sturdy, refillable bottle equipped with a chip that can be scanned at any of the refill stations to fill their bottles with cold water, cleaned via reverse osmosis. Plus, the bottle serves as a souvenir to remind visitors of their time spent in Victoria Falls.
While tap water in Victoria Falls is generally safe to drink, the water dispensed at EcoDrop stations is of the highest quality, making it a perfect solution for those concerned about water purity.
By using EcoDrop’s refill system, visitors to Victoria Falls can enjoy the natural beauty of the region without compromising the environment, making their stay in Victoria Falls truly memorable.
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